Throughout Queensland there are many traditional Queenslander style houses that lend themselves to relocation and in order that families can relocate and still keep the home they’ve loved over the years.

Whilst the process of uplifting such homes can be straight forward, and on the basis that Workplace Health & Safety Queensland recently granted an exemption with regards to the transportation of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) remaining within properties to be relocated, there are a number of key points in relation to the potential risk associated with Asbestos remaining in such homes.

For the above exemption to apply, the following conditions must be addressed:

1)      The exemption holder (Transportation Company) must ensure that any ACM or presumed ACM within the structure has been identified by a competent person and recorded within a register.  This register must then be readily available during the relocation works to which the exemption applies.

2)      The exemption holder must ensure that any ACM or presumed ACM that is likely to be damaged or disturbed during the relocation to which the exemption applies, is removed prior to the structure being transported.

3)      The exemption holder must ensure that any identified or presumed Friable ACM either fixed or installed within the structure, is removed in accordance with current regulations prior to the transportation.  The requirement for removal of friable materials applies regardless of condition or installation.  Friable materials with the potential to fall within this requirement, would include Rolled vinyl floor sheeting with attached friable backing and Low Density Board (LDB) previously used for wall linings, ceiling linings and other internal installations.

4)      Prior to transportation the exemption holder must ensure that controls are used to prevent damage to the ACM remaining, and to prevent any ACM falling out of, or from the structure during the work to which the exemption applies.

5)      During transportation, the exemption holder must inspect the structure to ensure it has not been damaged and that any ACM components have not or are at risk, of falling from the structure.

 6)       The exemption holder must not reuse or reinstall any ACM that has been removed from the structure.

As part of the services offered by Safe Surveying Services we are able to complete inspections throughout any property prior to transportation and ensure that any ACM’S remaining are identified and recorded within a suitable register.

 For further clarification on this issue the link to Worksafe Qld has been provided: