Asbestos Building Surveys & Registers
We specialise in ensuring that all our clients have the relevant reports, registers and management plans in place to allow them to comply with current Workplace Health & Safety Legislation. We provide various comprehensive asbestos reports and…
Hazardous Material Surveys
Whilst the vast majority of Dangerous Goods & Hazardous Substances are captured within routine WH&S audits, there are a number of hazardous materials likely to affect various workplace situations which are not routinely identified...
Asbestos Management Plans (AMP’s)
Site Specific Asbestos Management Plans / AMPs: In addition to the site specific asbestos survey reports and registers, the reporting system we use also allows us to produce a site specific Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) when required.
Asbestos Awareness Training
Further to the completion of asbestos surveys & collation of asbestos registers, the complexities often associated with the ongoing management of Asbestos Containing Materials may well highlight that the Person Controlling the Business or Undertaking (PCBU) responsible identifies additional training needs...
Residential Property Asbestos Surveys
Whilst the existing requirements for WH&S compliance and legislation do not require domestic property holders to have Asbestos Containing Materials surveys or registers in place, having these available prior to sale or renovations will assist in reducing the risk of asbestos exposure...
Asbestos Remediation Project Management
Upon completion of asbestos surveys to identify and confirm the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s), we are able to provide specific, ongoing professional consultancy services in relation to any remediation works that are required…